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Domain Transfer

Client can transfer domain from other registrars to us.

Here are the conditions to be looked into before you can transfer your domain to us:

1. Please make sure that your domain status is UNLOCKED.
2. According to Registry Rule, a domain name must have been registered for more than 60 days since the first registration OR since the last transfer. Note that an EXPIRED domain name cannot be transferred.
3. The email address of the Administrative contact (domain admin) must be valid and working because it will receive a link for the approval of the transfer request.
4. The domain admin should have the Authentication Code (Auth Code/Authorization Code/EPP Code) obtainable from the current Domain Registrar. It will be needed when approving the transfer

Domain Transfer Procedure:

1. Go to our Domain Transfer page at: http://tahanan.net/clients/cart.php?a=add&domain=transfer
2. Enter the domain name that you want to transfer provided that you have met the "Conditions" specified above to facilitate the transfer process.
3. Click "Check Availability." Then, follow the next procedures.
4. Secure your payment, if needed. For approved transfer, the domain will have 1 year extension and client will be charged for that.
5. Please anticipate (domain Admin) an email and click on the APPROVE TRANSFER link. Please follow procedures indicated by your current Domain Registrar regarding the transfer.
6. Your domain name will be transferred 4-5 days after your approval including one (1) year extension.

NOTE: If your current registrar is ONLINENIC, there is no need for the Authentication Code (Auth Code/Authorization Code/EPP Code). Just follow the domain transfer procedure and contact us thru the ticket support for the transfer from the other domain subsidiary to us.


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