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How to use WHM - Basics


Here are the essential steps involved in operating a WebHost Manager reseller account.

Logging in to the Web Host Manager

The Web Host Manager (WHM) interface controls many of the operations involved in your reseller account.

You can log in to the WHM via http://www.yourdomain.com/whm or http://www.yourdomain.com:2086 (where yourdomain.com is your actual domain name).

Alternatively, you may log in to your domain's control panel (http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel or http://www.yourdomain.com:2082 (where yourdomain.com is your actual domain name), and choose the WHM from the control panel menu.

If you have created your reseller account using a primary domain name which is not registered through or hosted by Tahanan (during reseller signup, you will have selected the option "I will use my existing domain name (I don't wish to Transfer or Register)"), then you must log in to WHM using the format, where is the actual IP address of your primary domain name. If you do not know the IP address of your primary domain name, contact tech support for assistance.

Navigating within the Web Host Manager

The WHM is divided into sections, which are displayed in list format in the sidebar. Note that you might need to click the Expand All button to reveal the complete list. Within each section, you may directly select that section's functions. For example, the Account Information section includes the List Subdomains function.

Alternatively, you may click the Home link in the WHM's menu bar, and from the WHM's home page, choose the section you require; this will take you to the functions offered within that section.

Create package types

As a reseller, you may create your own custom hosting packages, with features and limitations of your choosing. For example, you might wish to offer clients a package limited to 20MB of space, or 5 email addresses. These packages are defined using the WHM.

  • Within the Packages section of WHM, click the Image: Add Packages icon.
  • Decide on a name for your package type.
  • Fill in the resource quantities that you would like to allow for the new package type:

          o Quota (disk space in MB)
          o Bandwidth Limit (also in MB)
          o Number of email addresses
          o Number of databases
          o Number of ftp accounts
          o Number of domains, etc.

You may delete package types using the Delete Packages function, or edit the details of an existing package type using the Edit Packages function.

Assign a package to your primary domain's account

You may wish to assign a package type to your primary domain's account. If you choose not to do so, your domain will be allocated the default package, the details of which will depend on the type of your reseller account.

To assign a package to your primary domain's account:

  • Go to the Account Information section of the WHM
  • Click List Accounts - your registered domain should be listed here.
  • In the column that says Package, click the Edit icon to open the package options.
  • Select the Package Type you wish to allocate to your own account.

Note: Some new reseller accounts are set up incorrectly and will not show the primary account in the list of accounts as described above. If this is the case you will not be able to assign a package to your own domain. To solve this, contact our tech support.

Create an account for a client

To set up a new domain for a client, you must create an account for them and assign a package type to that account.

Within the Account Functions section of the WHM:

  • Click Create a New Account
  • Enter the domain of your client (this must be a registered domain name, which is configured to point to  our DNS servers)
  • Give the client a username and password
  • Select a Package Type - the other details will be filled in automatically once you chose the package type.

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