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dotPH Domain Management


Finally, we have a workaround for the Management of dotPH Domains being tested (Beta Version). We say that it is a workaround because dotPH system cannot be fully connected to our billing system. The workaround allows our clients to change most of the information in the domain and also allows the management of the domain DNS entries, Nameservers and Web Forwarding.

You can see the link for the DotPH Domain Management in your client area in the Quick Navigation Menu (right side). Here is the link for the domain management: https://greymatter.dot.ph/MGDomainList.asp 

The workaround is in the dotPH server. There is a control panel where you can manage your dotPH domain(s).

How do I access or login to the control panel?
You have to send us a request thru our ticket system for your login credentials to be sent to your primary email of the domain (it's the email of the Domain Admin). You must be the Domain Admin and must have access to the email address entered in it.

Once you get the login credentials from dotPH thru email, you can login to the system and change your password to your own.

Can I manage multiple domains?
Yes, you can manage multiple domains, as far as you have the same primary email address in the dotPH domains as the domain admin. 

Can I change the Domain Registrant, Company Name and Primary Email?

No, please take note that dotPH requires direct request for changes of Domain Registrant, Company Name and Primary Email. We are not authorized and we do not have access for such changes.

Can I order new domain and renew domains using the workaround?

No, please keep in mind that this is a workaround and not a complete domain management system that we wanted to have connected to our billing system. So, the domain order, renewal and billings are totally separated from this workaround.  It should be done back to our system in your Tahanan Client Area

The workaround is for you to be able to change most of the information in the domain and to manage the domain DNS and nameservers.

* Important note:
1) There are links in the workaround that are not applicable anymore like Domain Renewal and Waitlist. The "Forgot Password" link is not working either. If you find other links that are not applicable or not working, please report to us thru the ticket system.

2) Request for the login access to the domain management may take time as dotPH office operates only during office hours, i.e. Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. So please do not insist.

3) We are open to other suggestions for the improvement of the "workaround" made by the management of dotPH. We are thankful for their effort in helping us in allowing our clients direct access to their own domains.

Now, we hope our clients will be able to maximize the management of their own dotPH domains. 

Tahanan.net Management

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